Marketiva FAQ

Marketiva has compiled a list of Frequently Asked Questions about our service and its features. The FAQ addresses the questions our clients most commonly ask. If there are additional questions you feel we should address, please notify us and we will list your questions, to assist you and other clients. In addition to this FAQ, you can also read the general trading-related FAQ and Streamster™ Help.

For complete Marketiva FAQ, please visit:

Here some information you can find on Marketiva FAQ:

1. Introduction to Marketiva

1.1. What is Marketiva?

1.2. Where and how do I start?

1.3. Can I test your system first?

1.4. What if I do not understand legal statements?

1.5. How much money do I need to start?

1.6. How can I partner with Marketiva?

1.7. Can I open two accounts?

2. Marketiva Account Services

2.1. How can I deposit funds to my account?

2.2. Where can I see my account information?

2.3. Where are my billing transactions?

2.4. How can I change my contact information?

2.5. I forgot my password. What can I do?

2.6. How can I change my password?

2.7. How can I withdraw my funds?

3. Rates, Alerts, News and Sounds

3.1. Why current rates change colors?

3.2. When does the Change column reset?

3.3. Why # symbols show up instead of rates?

3.4. How can I select which instruments I will see?

3.5. How do I interpret market alerts?

3.6. Who provides news in the Latest News window?

3.7. How to setup sound, voice and visuals?

4. Trading Platform Basics

4.1. Where can I see your software?

4.2. Can I trade through your web site?

4.3. Where can I download the Streamster?

4.4. What Operating System do I need?

4.5. How secure is your software?

4.6. Where can I find more help on your platform?

5. Marketiva Chat Channels

5.1. How do I join a chat channel?

5.2. Why chat flashes and how to save or clear content?

5.3. How to setup Chinese and Arabic letters?

5.4. Are there limitations in chat I should be aware of?

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