Saturday, April 24, 2010

Marketiva Streamster untuk Smartphone Windows Mobile 2003 Smartphone Edition

Dapet informasi katanya Novativa Streamster dari Marketiva sudah bisa dijalankan di handphone dengan sistem operasi Windows Mobile 2003 keatas. Untuk type handphone lain seperti nokia dengan OS symbian, atau PDA dengan OS linux, android, IPhone belum didukung, tapi bisa diprogram sendiri dengan memanfaatkan API.

Info lebih lanjut silakan cek di lokasi aja yah, saya juga belum ngetest. Semoga sedikit update info ini bermanfaat. Selanjutnya lihat di halaman berikut:

Marketiva Personal Mobile Terminal

Personal Mobile Terminal is a trading tool that consists of a Personal Mobile Terminal Server running on personal computer with Streamster and a Mobile Terminal running on Windows Mobile 2003 Smartphone Edition or above operating system, this trading tool lets you check your positions and orders, and monitor prices through a mobile device.

NOTE: Streamster has to be running and the Web Service API has to be enabled while you use Marketiva Personal Mobile Terminal trading tool. It is necessary to subscribe to all columns for orders and positions.
Download Marketiva Personal Mobile Terminal Server (1.0.0)
Download Marketiva Personal Mobile Terminal (1.0.0)

Apabila ada pertanyaan lebih lanjut bisa lihat disini:

Tools FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

The following are the questions often asked about Marketiva Tools. If there are additional questions you feel we should address, please notify us and we will list your questions to assist other clients. Please have in mind that this is a general tools-related FAQ, while there are other documents on this Web Site that address other specific topics.

To open and read a particular FAQ page, please click on its title.

1. Marketiva Personal Web Terminal

1.1. What is the initial password?

1.2. What is the URL for access through internet?

1.3. Can I use it to trade without running Streamster?

1.4. How do I set a password?

2. Marketiva Personal Mobile Terminal

2.1. How do I get started?

2.2. What is Marketiva Personal Mobile Terminal Server?

2.3. What is Marketiva Personal Mobile Terminal?

2.4. What is the initial password?

2.5. What is the server address when I access from my mobile device?

2.6. What port number does Mobile Server use?

2.7. Do I need to specify port number on Mobile Terminal login window?

2.8. Can I use it to trade without running Streamster?

2.9. How do I set a password?


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